Piano, Theory, Aural Training lessons/Instrumental accompaniment offered by a lady tutor with FRSM, LRSM, ACABRSM diplomas in Piano performance & LMusTCL, AMusTCL diplomas in Music Theory (55005891)
音樂 / 教學進修(大坑/銅鑼灣/天后區)全職持FRSM鋼琴兼LMusTCL樂理女師

Pro. Science/Lab Teacher with more than 20 yrs teaching experience in HK, can do in zoom.; worked as Lab Mgr of a big westerner lab for more than 5 yrs in Tor.  University & High School studies in CA.
m教學進修 / 補習monkeyshanshan

British English Centre in Kowloon City. Over 10 successful years of teaching, including phonics, early reading, creative writing etc. Implementing different teaching approaches accordingly.
教學進修 / 語言課程The English Academy (TeaHK)

專業演奏級女結他導師 多年教授經驗 曾留學西班牙大學 教授古典結他 流行結他 fingerstyle 詩歌伴奏課程 樂理

乒乓球教學理念 (Teaching Idea): 因材施教( to teach students in accordance with their aptitude)

在疫情下我的琴行也收檔執笠。故 在香港不設門市部,省卻了昂貴的舖租和燈油火蠟費用。所以三折清货,著名二胡演奏家/教育家徐老師,畢業於南京師範大學藝術系二胡專業。教授二胡/高胡。本人現為香港音樂導師同盟會會員,香港柏斯琴行等多間琴行及學校中樂導師。每小時260元。为照顾小孩子,长者也提供上门教育,每小时300元。多年教授二胡專業經驗豐富 ,一對一,手把手教育,進步神速。免費提供適宜的教材。

英國皇家音樂學院8級鋼琴 英國皇家音樂學院8級樂理 英國皇家音樂學院7級長笛 香港大學專業進修學院音樂治療深造文憑 現任導師具資深教學經驗 The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Grade 8 Piano, Grade 8 Music Theory, Grade 7 Flute YouTube@Miss Lee
音樂 / 教學進修Music Cupcake

(Tel/whatsapp 61501919) 大圍火車站, 歡迎私人/小組, 優惠小組學費, 初級 (詳情請致電/whatsapp查詢), 鋼琴/樂理/結他/薩克管 Piano/Theory/Guitar/Saxophone 導師演出經驗豐富 8級證書 歡迎成人&中小學生
教學進修 / 音樂課程 - 學琴ChiTak 致德教育

美國Musician Institute畢業, 擁有大量演唱會, 錄音, 創作經驗。美國風的教學,讓你可以更快及精準了解音樂

課程模式: 上課模式一對一面授 課程每節為45分鐘 課程特點: 1. 學睇Chord / Tab譜彈奏流行曲彈唱,Fingerstyle,電結他Solo等 2. 導師教學淺白易明,初學者容易上手,適合沒有音樂根底人士 3. 導師豐富教學經驗,幫助已有一定程度學生突破瓶頸位,為曾經自學結他的學生重新打好根基 上課地點: 荔枝角地鐵站附近設有教室 可選彩虹、大埔琴行教學 均有結他提供上課

Teaching basketball
K運動及健身 / 球類運動Katsuyoshi Shinoda

The office will be shared with another independent agency. You will have 1-4 desks and storage space. We prefer people who are in the fields of tutoring, strings teaching, consulting, writing and some

Miss Lee - Professional Economics Tutor. 10+ years full-time teaching experience ( IB, GCE-AL, IGCSE/GCSE, AP, IAL, HKDSE, university economics and related subjects) for both local & overseas students
M教學進修 / 補習Miss Lee

Guitar Lesson in English or 廣東話 or 日本語

Classical guitar Luthier: Paulino Bernabe Country: Madrid, Spain Model: Paulino Bernabe Imperial Year of construction: 2015 Top: German spruce ; side and back: cocobolo Construction feature: double si

職業樂師, 現正招生, 自設音樂教室授課, 適合各類結他(電、木、古典), 低音結他, 鋼琴, 鼓, 唱歌伴奏 及 樂理. Full-time professional musician is intaking students, offering courses on guitar(acoustic/classical/electric), bass, piano and drums.
音樂 / 教學進修Mr.Tong - 全職音樂人/樂器老師
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